Sapa & Bac Ha
Located at 1,600 m above sea level, Sapa is famous for its magnificent terraced rice fields and its many ethnic minorities. The surrounding valleys offer various activities: hiking, visits to local villages and markets, nights in some local homestays.
Nestled in the mountains, the small town of Bac Ha is famous for its teeming market every Sunday, an event where the many mountain ethnicities of the surrounding villages meet.
Questions & Answers
Sapa, the different ethnic groups
Nestled in the heart of the green mountains of North Vietnam, Sapa is a destination renowned for the beauty of its rice terraces landscapes. But beyond, it fascinates by the richness of its cultural heritage shaped in particular by two emblematic minorities: the black Hmong and the red Dao. Journey to discover these populations with centuries-old traditions.
The Black Hmong are considered the first ethnic groups to settle in the region about 300 years ago. Coming from China to flee the conflicts in the province of Yunnan, they found in Sapa a land of asylum conducive to their way of life. Leurs villages traditionnels de montagne, aux maisons sur pilotis de bois, parsèment aujourd’hui les contreforts verdoyants. Most black Hmong live from rice terraces, livestock.