Phong Nha Ke Bang – Paradise Cave and Dark Cave

In Central Vietnam, in Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park, the nature has been working hard to design a unique treasure. Under the actions of the elements, water mainly; nature has eroded these places, giving birth to some complex cave networks.

For a few years, this area has been recognized by Vietnamese government and by the UNESCO as an exceptional natural patrimony which reveals itself to the world very slowly thanks to the work of speleologists and adventurers who struggle to discover these underground treasures. Therefore, each year, this part of Vietnam appears step by step to the world.

Now, the whole park offers to rediscover a large range of forgotten sensations in an impressive environment.

The road wandering between the mountains, let people discover the limestones, such as the famous ones of Halong Bay, but from a completely different perspective. Therefore, I really enjoy riding there on my motorbike to enjoy the amazing landscapes drawn par the mountains, the jungle and the rice fields.

  • Dark Cave

I always like to venture in Dark Cave to discover again the true consistency of the mud as it covers all the narrow tunnels of this cave. These tunnels are “alive” and every year they evolve according to the rain which rises up the level of the river. From one year to another, you can follow the evolution of the paths.

Every step requires some effort, and needs to focus on the sense of touch as the bottom of the river must be discovered while sinking gently in the mud. A slide is always a possibility, and just allow to enjoy onward a mud bath which is very good for the skin. After this adventure in the unknown, a wider chamber of the cave finally appeared in front of the visitors’ eyes with enough space to enjoy a complete mud bath while experiencing total darkness.

Indeed, even if I put my hand a few millimeters from my nose I can’t even guess it’s here. Finally, it’s time to reach the flooded part of the cave where the water of the river is a peaceful place to swim in complete darkness.

It is such a strange feeling to swim without knowing where we are stepping while looking at the bats living on the ceiling of the cave. No worry, except its freshness, there isn’t any big surprise in this river as the fish doesn’t come in this part of the cave.

  • Paradise Cave

The road going along the river finally reaches the hill which houses Paradise Cave where a stroll on the slope of the hill leads to the entrance of this isolated universe which will reveal its musical talent if we take time to listen to it. During the ascent, or on the way back, I like to test my agility on the vines, which robustness always surprises me – even when swinging over and over they don’t break.

This cave always leaves me speechless and I’m always amazed by its ceiling which reveals its natural harmony with its limestone stalactites. Similar to the most beautiful religious monuments which testify the magnitude of human work, this cave shows the artistic side of the nature. The size of the “nave” located at the bottom of the cave seems to have been made in order to allow a limitless expression of the nature’s music. When we take time to observe the landforms of this cave, the nature will reveal a musical creation worthwhile the biggest symphony orchestra.

This always reminds me the power of Nature which just needs a few things to create a unique show – just a few drops of water is the source of this enchanting phenomenon which will make you rediscover musical harmony.

So, dear readers, don’t wait any longer, and during your next trip in Vietnam, go to Phong Nha Ke bang National Park, to discover these hidden treasures by yourself.

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